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Monday, February 21, 2011

Valentine Day.

Hanging out with friends or go for a movie with beloved one?
No no, Too bad! Moral class at 8am sharp...
Moreover, have to attend a so called seminar just to waive my working hours.
RM5 refundable for Cybersex workshop?How funny.
It was actually "No cybersex workshop".
Spent my valentine day for the classes that day and the so called love workshop.
This is not fun.UCSI!Why Valentine day?
Okay, this is the photo of steaks and I.
Forgive me, I know that I don't look good that day.
However, this is the only prove.
Luckily, I still able to celebrate my valentine day with my beloved one at night.
Thanks for being understanding my dear.
I like this photo because can't see my face.
Guess what? The first time of receiving flower.Don't laugh at me. :p
Next,I-city. I like this photo as well.
Caption:" I was actually thinking how to break down the electricity......"

Can you see that love shape? Ops, I meant the weird love shape. lol
This is the perfect one on that night.
Introducing my small eyes boy,Stinson!!
Capture me ;P
Valentine present for him.
My valentine present.
Thanks for the lovely valentine.

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